Clears text from the word list without placing it in the clipboard. Clears text from the word list without placing it in the clipboard. Pastes text from the clipboard into your word list. Pastes text from the clipboard into your word list. Copies the selected text in the word list and places it in the clipboard. Copies the selected text in the word list and places it in the clipboard. Removes the selected text in the word list and places it in the clipboard. Removes the selected text in the word list and places it in the clipboard. Undo is not available in Word Connection. It is listed in this menu as a service to desk accessories which use this menu. Undoes your last action. This command isn’t available; respond to the dialog box. This menu isn’t available; respond to the dialog box. This menu is available only during play. Use this menu to cut, copy, paste, or clear text from your list of words during play.